Our Mission
The Mission of the Augusta Circle Elementary Parent Teacher Association (ACE PTA) is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
We value the ability to
- Assist the parents in our school with developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children.
- Communicate on behalf of children in our school, community, and before organizations that make decisions affecting children.
- Encourage both parent and community involvement in our school.
We work closely with the State and National Parent Teacher Associations to provide the best possible learning environment for all students!!
We encourage each parent to join the PTA and get involved at whatever level he or she is able. All participation, big or small, is significant!

Lots of Ways to Get Involved
The PTA has lots of big and small jobs. We need volunteers to do everything from greet families to organize events and help teachers. Check out our full list of positions and let us know how you would like to get involved.
View PTA Positions
Where PTA Funds Go
The Augusta Circle PTA's fundraising efforts have provided the school with some of its most treasured items and special programs. Each year, the PTA contributes additional funding to teachers for supplies and programs, and organizes, funds and staffs many of your favorite events.
The PTA has provided:
- New Basketball Goals
- Gaga Ball Pit
- Overhead Fan for the Gym
- Chromebooks and iPads
- Red Bags for Kindergarteners
- Bicycle Rack
- Water Bottle Refill Stations
- Sunshades for Playground Benches
- Poster Maker
Some of the programs we manage and fund are:
- Book Fair
- Grandparents and Special Friends Week
- Grade Level Plays
- Field Day
- Staff Appreciation Week
- Cultural Arts Week
We have also provided funding for:
- Accelerated Reader Program
- Brain Pop